Monday, July 13, 2009

Hungry Dog, Urine Fish & Slaughterhouse

"in this project i tried to raise questions of whether or not it is socially acceptable to use animal cruelty as an art form, directly or indirectly. In order to do this I chose to show side by side for the viewers comparison 1) the documentary footage of a slaughterhouse scene from Fassbinder's movie In a Year With 13 Moons 2) actual animal cruelty as carried out by Guillermo Vargas Habacuc in his gallery installation of a stray dog tied to the wall and starved to death and 3) my own video where I sacrifice a goldfish for the sake of "art." My attempt was in hopes that the viewers of this triptych of videos would ultimately side with the notion that killing an animal and to a far lesser degree, a goldfish, would hardly be unacceptable when compared to the reality of the fate of consumer grade cattle and a starved domesticated animal."


  1. this is soooooooooooooooo wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. right they should never do a thing like this to animals.

  3. i cant believe that they are allowed to do this isnt this like animal cruality! they kill an animal and they make it to where kids in school eat freakin dieing deasises meat
